Many consumers make this sound like a great idea at first, but with out new loans it becomes incredibly difficult to get your terrible credit score back on track. In fact, the only other way to improve your credit is to find some serious errors in your credit report or settling old debt. The only problem with this is that only 5% of car financing for people with bad credit actually have mistakes in their credit report, and confronting old debt is not always easy.
How Bad Credit Auto Loans Improve Credit

For each full payment you make without being late the finance company will be obligated to report it to each of the major credit bureaus. This in turn results in your credit score improving little by little, as well as your most recent portion of your credit report will display a positive paying history.
It is also important to remember that not every dealership or lender that offers auto loans to people with poor credit reports timely payments to credit bureaus. Therefore, it's important to ask a dealer if they do so before signing off on a loan, or simply utilize the internet to help you locate a nearby lender that pairs individuals with very low credit financing.
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